September road trip

September road trip
September road trip

Saturday, February 8, 2014

It ain't easy being me!

The blog has completely gotten away from me this week; I have no excuse, not any good ones anyhow. I used to have a saying about myself during my working years, “It ain’t easy being me”. Years ago I used it in reference to the long ours I worked, but my life is still going at a whirlwind pace, just look at my notes for Monday; “Stayed in the campground all day, rode bikes, walked dogs, soaked up sunshine.”

The whole first half of the week was like that, this snowbird lifestyle is not for the weak, and if all that bike riding and sun soaking isn’t enough, we had even more on our plates this week.

First I’ve been trying to log on to my medical insurance website all week without success. I keep getting the same very pleasant lady when I call for tech support, but....well I said pleasant not tech savvy, she hasn’t able to help. But it may not be her fault, my benefits are managed by the United Auto Workers (UAW) which is blindly loyal the Democratic Party. I’m thinking they must be sharing web space with Barry’s infamous healthcare site. To date I still have not been able to log on to the site.

The second course on our plateful is watching DVD’s. Millie and I have been watching the second season of the TV series “24” with Kiefer Sutherland as rogue government agent Jack Bauer. The closer we got to the end the more we watched it, usually watching three episodes at a sitting. Of course in the final hour Jack saves the day, in this case preventing world war 3.

Much more to tell about the week but we’ve got things to do and places to see this morning, like I said, “It ain't easy being me!”

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