September road trip

September road trip
September road trip

Monday, February 10, 2014

A week of music and cookies

Millie is watching the Beatles reunion concert and I’m going to try and bring the blog up to date. Speaking of music, we listened to several musical events in the last week. The night before we left the Orlando campground we attended a concert by Mike Thomas. He is a professional musician that we’ve seen before. He puts on a good show, playing mostly mello’ish Rock and Roll standards.

After moving to the Peace River Campground we attended several venues. First was the TT Jammers on Tuesday night. This group of transient Rv’ers and some local musicians get together at the campground once a week for a jam session. They have these groups at many snowbird campgrounds but this is the best group we’ve ever seen. Thursday night was karaoke at the campground and they were mostly good singers, none of them was terrible. On Friday the campground had a Branson Missouri act called Sweethearts of Branson. They perform nine months of the year in Branson and the rest of the year performing on the road. The leader of the group, Denny Yeary is a baritone singer and has sung bass on 79 albums for many popular groups. As professionals you’d expect them to be good and they didn’t let us down.

Sweethearts of Branson

 Sunday night back in Orlando after our mandatory week out (timeshare camping rules) we attended a country gospel.........yes... you read that right, country gospel by Jerry Jones Ministries. All Millie’s friends are going, hum that’s very nice. Larry’s friends are going, what the h*%! has gotten into that boy!  Hey, I’ll take all the help I can get, halleluiah!

I kind of jumped around the timeline while I was taking about music, back to finishing up our last week activities in Peace River. On Wednesday we drove up to Brandon which is just west of Tampa. The objective was to pick up a replacement skylight for the bathroom, which we did. Two things trumped going to the RV parts store. We discovered a delightful Cuban Bakery. The presentation and aroma of all those wonderful pastries and breads was sight to behold. A man couldn’t be any happier, not even in the tool department at Sears. Of course we had to buy lots of things that will make me round and happy! I’ll just have to do a few more laps around the park on my bike.

 Our drive home took us thru the heart of strawberry country and here in Florida it is strawberry season. We stopped at a roadside stand on the way home had an unbelievably good serving of strawberry shortcake with vanilla ice cream.

They forecast occasional showers on Thursday so I didn’t do the skylight installation and of course it didn’t rain. Friday morning it looked like it was going to rain but I went to work anyhow, the job went smoothly and was done by about 1:00 pm. The old outer dome of the skylight was plastic and had succumbed to 13 years of sunlight.

This is the old skylight

Saturday we drove to Port Charlotte where we did some woman shopping. That’s not what you think; woman shopping is walking around a whole mall and just looking at stuff but not actually buying anything. This is very confusing to men who are disciplined “man code” shoppers. That’s why you see so many blank faced men sitting on mall benches, they tried being shopping companions to their wives but ended up dazed and confused. The good part of the trip was I got to pick the restaurant for lunch so we enjoyed a delicious deep fried meal at Ali-Gators!

That’s it the blog is up to date. We’ll be in Orlando for two weeks and have a mix of work and pleasure planned. I have to replace the drain valves on the holding tanks of the motorhome; we are going to the state fair, probably to Universal or Disney for a day. Tomorrow we are going to a large flea market in the town of Webster.

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