September road trip

September road trip
September road trip

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Branson Music

Like most everyone that comes to Branson, we are here for the musical entertainment. We saw our first act on the day we arrived right here at Treasure Lakes Campground. A singer named Brian Pendegrass put on a two hour concert. He is a very talented entertainer who has worked in the business for many years, highlighting his career touring with Charlie Pride for fourteen years.

 Saturday, after our day of securing discount theater tickets we relaxed at another campground performance. This one was by a country dance band called The Heartland Band. There was dancing at both nights entertainment and down here in the western south they do the two step in one variation or another to just about everything.

We observed and took mental notes but didn't have the confidence to try dancing to the Texas dances in public. On Sunday afternoon the campground activities director had a beginners dance class and with her excellent instruction we are on our way to becoming cowboy dancers.

Sunday Afternoon we sat in on the first hour of an Ozark gospel Jubilee. Brian Penndergrass hosted the ensemble of local singers. I have to admit I thought it would be a lively event and looking at it as musical entertainment, it was rather dull. They seemed obsessed with the glory of dying and going to be with their god. Every time they asked if you were ready, I was thinking ...*****My better half has edited out my response but I will tell you it involved me leaving this world kicking and

We left after an hour so we could get to our first theater production.  We felt almost privileged to be seated center stage 4th row at the Mickey Gilley theater to see the legendary Honky-Tonk singer. Gilley is still recovering from a serious accident but other than not being able to play the piano and having to sit on a stool occasionally he put on an excellent show. He tells the history of his musical career from the 1950's till now in story, in song and selected video projections.
The legendary Mickey Gilley still performing at 78

Monday morning at 10am we went to our second theater presentation. The God and Country theater is also on the Branson Strip also known as RT 76. This venue has two auditoriums, with several different genre's of music per day performing on its two stages. The show we had selected is called "The good ol Boys", a tribute show to classical country music. The lead singers have been performing together in Branson for about 12 years and it shows, we enjoyed the lively performance from our front row seats.
Millie with the headliners from the Good ol Boys show, Shane Vorhaben and Dave Saunders

At four pm we had a 90 minute dance lesson, ran home to feed and walk the dogs, them went back to the activity center at 7pm for more dancing with music performed by John Crumpton.

I'm tired   

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